On possible development of a problems of physics, chemistry and technology of antimatter For Projects of Spaceships

Опубликовано 14.09.2012
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On possible development of a problems of physics, chemistry and technology of antimatter For Projects of Spaceships

The antimatter problem causes now enough great interest in the World. It includes following basic sections:

1) Physics, chemistry and technology of antimatter;

2) Features of properties of an antimatter;

3) Features of interaction of a matter and an antimatter.

These questions can undoubtedly help with studying of fundamental problems of a universe (especially in an unbalance of substance and antimatter in the World). In this connection there is a problem of synthesis of antimatter with application of modern achievements in area of physics of elementary particles and the nuclear physics. On the first the plan there is a problem of synthesis of antiatoms. Reception of heavier antiatoms certainly will demand creation of special accelerators for synthesis of their antinucleuses. In 1965 on the accelerator in the USA has been received antideuteron. In 1969 on the accelerator have opened the nucleus of antihelium-3 consisting of two antiprotons and an antineutron. Then nucleus of antitritium - the heavy antihydrogen, consisting of one antiproton and two antineutrons have been opened also. Basically it is possible to imagine and more compound antiatoms, and even the big congestions of an antimatter. Researches in this direction proceed.

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