Communication and effect between Fractal geometry in Time and Fractal geometry in Micro and in Macro Space with Fractal geometry objects!

Опубликовано 11.08.2014
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Communication and effect between Fractal geometry in Time and Fractal geometry in Micro and in Macro Space with Fractal geometry objects!

No matter how perfect the information, the level of perfection is seen only when the object is able to understand and adapt the information.

Biological organism consists of multiple structural and functional units linked into a single multi-level network where the information component of each individual cell affects how all the other subforms (tissues, organs, and so on. Etc...), And the organism as a whole. The study of fractal structure of the person was on a number of fundamental theoretical propositions set forth in the book Rybina LA, Serov I. «Analytical Programming information exchange processes active biological forms» (St. Petersburg, ARIES, 2002).

Figure lung model that displays the hierarchy of the trachea and bronchi (from the book Mandelbrot B. Fractals: Forms. Chance fnd Dimtnsion, -San Francisko: W, II, Freeman and Co., 1977).


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