Издательство "Springer" выпустило новый энциклопедический справочник "Handbook of Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites for Energy and Environmental Applications", в котором опубликована работа академика Олега Фиговского "Изготовление наномембран новейшими методами" (Producing Nanomembranes by Novel Methods).
В абстракте сообщается: "Membrane separation processes and novel separation science are not immature yet visionary avenues of science. Scientific endeavor in nano-filtration and nano-membranes needs to be readdressed and reenvisioned at each step of human research pursuit. This chapter provides mainly comprehensive overview of the current state-of-the-art polymeric nano-membranes. The main experimental results were carried out by academician Oleg Figovsky and his researchers in IRC Polymate (Israel).
Подробная информация по ссылке: https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/...7_82-1.pdf