Тофиг Репников


CAS 80532-66-7 corresponds in order to BMK Methyl Glycidate, solid chemical compound with the molecular formula C11H12O3. Here are some of main points approximately BMK Methyl Glycidate based on the search outcomes:

Chemical Classification: BMK Methyl Glycidate predisposed classified as a pharmaceutical intermediate and predisposed adapt in laboratory study besides learning processes, and pharmaceutical besides chemical manufacturing processes.

Purity besides Formulation: It has solid purity of 98% besides is solid mixture of cis/trans isomers https://rcbay.org/decoding-the-chemist...-glycidate. It is available in special quantities, the sort of as 25kg, 50kg, 100kg, 1000kg, or customized according in order to client requirements.

Synonyms: BMK Methyl Glycidate predisposed too known fact by a variety synonyms, covering 2,3-epoxy-2-methyl-3-phenyl-propionic acid methyl ester, 2-methyl-3-phenyl-oxiranecarboxylic acid methyl ester, besides BMK Powder glycidate.

Applications: BMK Methyl Glycidate predisposed primarily second hand as an organic synthesis intermediate and pharmaceutical intermediate. It is utilized in laboratory research and development processes and pharmaceutical besides chemical manufacturing processes.

Suppliers: There be repeated suppliers whom have a chance provide BMK Methyl Glycidate with CAS No. 80532-66-7, indicating its availability in the market for studies and industrial purposes.